With all the turmoil going in Syria, Michael Savage told his listeners last week that he implied that the shooting at Umpqua Community College in Oregon was a false flag operation carried out by the Obama administration. He backed up this outrageous comment by saying Obama wanted to distract the American public from the crisis in Syria.

This is some full-blown conservative craziness:

By the way, at the same time, right on schedule, “Sorry I can’t notice it, there is a shooting at an Oregon community college, 10 dead, right on schedule!” I’m sorry, I’m not generally given to conspiracy theories, but it seems to be a very convenient way to get Obama’s abject disastrous failures as a foreign policy moron off the headlines. Now we’re all focused on the deaths at a community college. I didn’t say that it was orchestrated by the government, but I’m starting to wonder: How do these things happen so conveniently for a failure like this? Where is Obama? What fundraiser is he at? Where is he hiding?

You can listen below, but it’s simply incomprehensible that this type of voice has such a large audience in America. If he didn’t, then ROF would not be covering the issue.  That is what is so said about this.

For more on this story, visit Right Wing Watch “Michael Savage Suggests UCC Shooting Was An Obama Conspiracy To Distract From Syrian Civil War“