The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence called for Douglas County Sheriff John Hanlin’s immediate resignation and for him to step down as the Oregon shooting lead investigator over his extreme pro-gun views.

Dan Gross, the Brady Campaign President, released a statement over the weekend:

Citizens of Oregon voted for the expansion of Brady background checks in a law signed by Governor Brown this past May. In pledging not to enforce the new law, John Hanlin has clearly demonstrated that his political ideology trumps his responsibility to protect his community. The victims of last week’s shooting and the entire community deserve a thorough investigation that will get to the bottom of this heinous crime – an investigation that must be grounded in facts and evidence, not myth and bias.

The group’s call for resignation is partly rooted in the fact that Hanlin subscribed to Sandy Hook truther conspiracies and shared that sentiment on social media. Sandy Hook truthers believe the shooting was a false flag operation conducted by the government to drum up support for gun-control laws.

“John Hanlin is not the man for the job,” Gross added.

Watch David Pakman address the lack of credibility Hanlin has to be sheriff

For more on this story, visit RawStory “Brady Campaign: Oregon sheriff must ‘immediately resign’ for ‘extremist’ Sandy Hook and pro-gun views”