Fox News Business host Lou Dobbs appeared on Outnumbered and said school shootings are the result of prayer not being in our schools. He called on Christians to “stand up” and act against some perceived attack on Christianity. The white majority feels threatened, and they are getting paranoid.

Dobbs said:

I don’t understand why Christians are not reacting. Our minister yesterday, in service mentioned the assassination of Christians out in Oregon at that community college. Christians have to understand it’s a time to stand up. And Americans have to understand that the first acts of our government, and in our Constitution all pertain to god and the religiosity of our culture, our society, and yes our government. There is nothing that says that there is freedom to kill religion in our culture, our society and in our government. Public schools, public school boards should demand a return to the Judeo-Christian ethic, to the practice of religion in our schools, prayer in schools, in my opinion. And, there is almost a straight line between what happened in 1963 and the denial of the right to pray in our public schools, and violence in our schools and our society, that has risen exponentially over that time.

For more on this story, visit the Daily KosLou Dobbs: ‘almost a straight line’ between mass shootings, school prayer”