An armed “vigilante” in Auburn Hills, Michigan opened fire at supposed shoplifters as they left an area Home Depot store. As it turned out, a “good guy with a gun” put innocent people in danger and may get charged.

The shooter, a 47-year-old woman, was a concealed carry permit holder who acted like a deputized law enforcement officer. However, shooting non-threatening people for simple theft is poor judgement. Law enforcement authorities are still determining whether to charge the woman.

The argument that a “good guy with a gun” stops bad people creates more opportunities for accidental deaths. Regular citizens are not trained officers, and shouldn’t try to intervene during a shooting or a crime, especially if a gun is involved.

Watch David Pakman Address this Incident

For more on this story, visit Occupy DemocratsBystanders Panic As Woman Opens Fire At Fleeing Home Depot Shoplifters”