New Orleans is making history by housing ever homeless veteran in the city.

From the Christian Science Monitor:

At 6 p.m. on Jan. 2, social workers in New Orleans moved the city’s last known homeless veteran into his new aprtment – becoming the first U.S. city to effectively elimate veteran homelessness.

New Orleans has received praise for its efforts to battle homelessness. Advocates claim that the strategies used by the city of New Orleans for taking care of its homeless veterans would work for all people suffering from homelessness – not just veterans.

“The solutions that work for veterans are the solutions that work for all people,” said Laura Zeilinger, the executive director for the US Interagency Council on Homelessness. “The problem is absolutely solvable when we invest in the practices that we know work.”

New Orleans’s Mayor Mitch Landrieu vowed last year to address the issue. “We owe our veterans our eternal gratitude for their service and sacrifice to this nation, and making sure they have a place to call home is a small but powerful way we can show our appreciation,” said Landrieu last week.

For more on this, read the article from the CS Monitor titled: “In a US first, New Orleans finds homes for all its homeless veterans.