Bristol Palin recently wrote about an exchange she had with a patient at a dermatologist office where she works. The woman, seemingly without realizing she was speaking to Bristol, called her an idiot to her face.

From Palin’s blog (errors appear as they do in the original):

I took a patient back to an exam room, and set up for for a procedure dr was about to do. (I promise I really do work a normal job, and have for a while.) I was making small talk with the patient while filing out notes… She asked how long I had been there. I told her around 6.5 years, but I had left for school, and done other short term “things” but always came back… She said she had never seen me there before. She goes on to say that she had heard “Bristol Palin had worked there,” and I just kind of laughed. I didn’t say a word. (I never do! DWTS/reality shows – that kind of stuff is so embarrassing for me!!!) Anyways, what was strange about this incident as that the patient continued. She then told me that, “it was a long time ago when her mom was running. She didn’t work here long.” I didn’t say a word.

She then tells me, “but Bristol Palin is such an idiot!”

I about died!!!!!!!!!!!!

I should’ve asked why she said that.

I’m sure she wouldn’t said something like, “well she’s such a whore”.. That’s all people can revert back to, you know?

All I said back was, “Well actually, I am Bristol Palin, and I have worked here, and I think that’s pretty rude you would say something like that.”

Her face went white!!!

Like I’m sure the biggest you could’ve ever put in your mouth just happened!!

I told her the dr. would be right in and closed the door.

The patient ended up apologizing – and even sent flowers that same day! I know she felt terrible, and I know she had no reason to call me an idiot.

For more on this, read the post from Patheos titled: “What Happened When A Woman Told Me “Bristol Palin is an Idiot” – Not Realizing I Was Bristol Palin.