According to a new study, exposure to fracking chemicals poses severe dangers to developmental health. Enough exposure to fracking chemicals can result in enlarged testicles and lower sperm count.

Endocrinology published a study indicating that exposure to fracking chemicals could cause long-term reproductive effects. Of the 24 chemicals tested, including benzene, toluene, and bisphenol A, which are the most common, 23 mimic and affect estrogen, androgen, and other hormones.

“Bottom line, hormones work at very low concentrations naturally,” said Susan Nagel, the study’s author and health expert at the University of Missouri. “It does not take a huge amount of a chemical to disrupt the endocrine system.”

The fracking industry naturally disputed the claim that exposure to fracking chemicals posed long-term risks to reproductive development. What’s worse, the general public doesn’t know all the hundreds of chemicals used in fracking. Many chemicals are proprietary and are potentially dangerous.

David Pakman addresses how fracking also impacts pregnancy

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