A teenager is suspected to have hacked the personal email accounts of two high-ranking national security officials.

The personals email accounts of CIA Director John Brennan and Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson. A hacker who remains anonymous has boasted about the breach on an untraceable Twitter account. Confirmed by law enforcement agencies, an investigation is now underway.

Investigators have refrained from speaking much about the investigation but have confirmed unauthorized access of the two personal email accounts. The hacker, part of the group CWA, tweeted information obtained in the hack.

“You know we don’t lie, what you have all been waiting for sorry for the delay,” the tweet read.

“We are not doing this for personal satisfaction, we are doing this because innocent people in Palestine are being killed daily.” And another tweet included, “Anyone know who we should target next?!”

For more on this story, visit CBS News “Private emails of CIA director, DHS secretary hacked”