Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is trying to reach Southern voters, and she’s slapping on a fake Southern accent to do it. It’s actually pretty cringe-worthy, but her audience seems to buy it.

Addressing a group in Hoover, Alabama, Clinton tries not to ham up the accent too much, but it’s still present. She dropped the “g” from progressive present tense verbs, referring those in her audience as “workin’ folks” and loosened up her diction altogether.

“You know, when my husband became president thanks to a lot of you in this room, I remember after that election in ’92, him saying to me, ‘It’s so much worse than they told us,'” Clinton said. “The debt in our country has been quadrupled in the prior 12 years, the deficits had exploded. So he had to roll up his sleeves and work hard.”

Clinton has a history of pandering to voters by assimilating her mannerisms to appease her audience. Former Daily Show host Jon Stewart mocked Clinton for faking a Southern accent earlier this year in South Carolina.


Here’s another time she did it in 2007 while speaking at a church in Selma, Alabama.

For more on this story, visit the Washington Examiner “Clinton’s Southern strategy? Hillary fakes her accent for local crowd”