A federal judge in Louisiana ruled that Medicaid is to continue to provide funding to Planned Parenthood clinics in the state, which put a huge dent in Gov. Bobby Jindal’s plan to defund the clinics.

U.S. District Judge John deGravelles signed the order on Sunday, which went public on Monday. The ruling came last-minute as Jindal was trying to defund Louisiana Planned Parenthood clinics on Monday.

Jindal is part of the Republican charge to defund Planned Parenthood after bogus videos surfaced that were edited to give the appearance that Planned Parenthood was selling aborted fetal tissues. The judge’s ruling punches holes in Jindal’s argument to defund clinics in the state of Louisiana.

“In fact, uncontradicted evidence in the record at this time is that PPGC does not perform abortions in Louisiana, is not involved in the sale of fetal tissue and none of the conduct in question occurred at the PPGC’s two Louisiana facilities,” deGravelles wrote.

Planned Parenthood provides healthcare to thousands of low-income women every year. The Republican effort to dismantle the agency is inhuman.

For more on this story, visit Aljazeera America “Judge deals blow to Jindal bid against Planned Parenthood”