Speaking at an event on Wednesday in Las Vegas, Jeb Bush was asked a very innocuous question: Who is your favorite Marvel superhero?

“I like watching the movies. I wish I owned Marvel, as someone that believes in Capitalism,” said Bush.

Then he blew it.

“I don’t know, I’m kinda old school,” he said. “I like the old school guys like Batman, a little dark these days.”

Batman is DC, not Marvel.

Then things turned a little creepy.

Jeb decided to talk about the new CBS show Supergirl.

“I saw it when I was working out this morning,” said Jeb. “She looked kinda … she looked pretty hot. I don’t know what channel it’s on, but I’m looking forward to that.”

Supergirl is also a DC character, not Marvel.

For more on this, read the article from CNN Politics titled: “Jeb Bush: Supergirl is ‘pretty hot.’