Despite how much we want it, Republican presidential candidate is likely not going anywhere, any time soon. His meteoric rise is attributed to his supporters who are easily taken by bombast and showmanship.

Unlike Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, who’s running a positive campaign on how to fix America, Trump is running a campaign based on pure anger and aggression.

Trump is successful at fomenting hate, fear, and xenophobia among many Republican voters. He’s made it okay to be racist and act like ultranationalist facists. He breeds the kind of pro-white American exceptionalism that excludes everyone that isn’t a white, natural-born citizen. For Trump, it isn’t about jobs, income, or the economy. He simply wants to fight with non-white foreigners.

Unfortunately, Trump isn’t going away soon. His voters are ravenous xenophobes who want to make everyone speak English. To them, if you’re not white, you’re not welcome.

For more on this story, visit AlterNetHow the Brewing Revolt of Working Americans Is Driving Sanders’ Rise (and Fueling Trump’s Dangerous Success)”