On Friday, a group of undercover federal agents entered into Menominee Indian Tribal lands in Wisconsin and proceeded to destroy approximately 30,000 marijuana plants. The Federal Government would rather spend billions in destroying a harmless plant through sweeping, invasive police maneuvers and, yet, Wall Street thugs who do way more damage to people in this country go untouched by the law.

The Menominee Tribal Chairman Gary Besaw issued a statement regarding the raid last week:

There has been disagreement between the Tribe and Acting U.S. Attorney Greg Haanstad as to whether the Tribe’s actions in cultivating its industrial hemp crop was in compliance with the 2014 Farm Bill. The Tribe has worked tirelessly to find a solution to this disagreement, including offering to destroy itself certain strains of the industrial hemp crop that both sides had identified as problematic and offering to file Declaratory Judgment Action in United States District Court of the Eastern District of Wisconsin to allow a federal judge to decide the disputed issues. These offers by the Tribe were rejected in favor of the aggressive unilateral action we saw today.

We need federal efforts pursuing the real problems and threats to the American people, not sovereign tribes growing hemp in their own lands. Wall Street criminals are a much more real and persistent threat than some weed in Wisconsin.

For more on this, read the article from Addicting Info titled: “Federal Agents Raid Native American Lands To Destroy Hemp Crop It Was Legal To Grow (VIDEO).