Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) is a lazy, do-nothing Republican senator who reportedly hates the U.S. Senate, and many have called for his resignation. The latest person to call for Rubio’s resignation is Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV).

“Why shouldn’t he (resign)? He hates the Senate,” Reid said. “Why should the taxpayers of this country and people of Florida put up with having only one senator? Doesn’t seem fair to me.”

“For Marco Rubio here to dump on the Senate, this institution established by our founding fathers, he should be ashamed of himself,” Reid added. “And the people of Florida, why they put up with it, I don’t know. They damn sure aren’t getting their money’s worth.”

A Florida newspaper started the resignation conversation when it published a scathing op-ed calling for Sen. Rubio to resign from his senatorial office. Rubio has only been present for one-third of all Senate votes this year.

If average Americans did as much work as Rubio did, they’d fired.

For more on this story, visit Talking Points MemoHarry Reid Calls On Marco Rubio To Resign From The Senate”