The Republican Party has been flailing and spiraling out of control for some time now, that’s no secret. This tailspin is attributed to many things, but the main reasons are the party’s inability to connect with minorities and the party’s lack of solid leadership.

Republican poll very poorly among blacks and Hispanics because their policies are, quite frankly, racist. The party favors police protections for violent cops who attack minorities. They attack social programs that help poor minorities survive, and let’s not forget the party’s anti-immigration agenda. Candidate Donald Trump has been very instrumental in the party’s dying popularity among Hispanics with his mass immigration plan.

The GOP leadership, or lack thereof, has also contributed to the party’s failing strength. Ever since the Tea Party emerged in 2010, the Republicans have suffered rampant infighting between the conservative wing and the GOP Establishment. Instead of rallying around a single, centralized leader, the GOP factions fight with each other.

The Republican voter constituency is loud and fervently support the party, but the amount of those voters are dwindling and getting frustrated with the party as a whole. As the total American constituency becomes more progressive, that will lead to the Republican disintegration.

For more on this story, visit Salon “GOP ‘death spiral’ shocked: ‘We’ve gone beyond the tipping point on the demographic changes’