New House Speaker, the same old Tea Party politics as newly elected Speaker of the House Paul Ryan vows to “go on offense on ideas.” Rather than push for cooperation and compromise, Ryan argues that House Republicans need to be “more specific . . . more bold.”

Many feared that John Boehner’s resignation spelled disaster for a Congress weighed down by the demands of an increasingly unstable Far Right. After Tuesday’s press conference, it appears those fears might become reality as Speaker Ryan gives a clear go-ahead to Republicans to attempt to hide as many harmful provisions in important bills as possible.

The language used by Ryan makes it clear that compromise with House Democrats is not a concern or even an interest in the upcoming months and years. “We think the last seven years have been bad years for advancing the American idea,” Paul said.

The threat of riders in the upcoming budget bill and long-term highway funding bill looms as the passing of these pieces of legislation are of the utmost importance and a delay would result in a government shutdown or worse.

While Paul’s call for a “different direction” might be heartening to weary House Democrats tired of going up against extreme riders like the one fighting to defund Planned Parenthood, it is surely another direction that America cannot afford to take. Rather than a new direction, it seems that the Republican party is headed further down into the rabbit hole of extreme politics.

To read more, visit Huffington Post “Paul Ryan Threatens To Use Power Of The Purse Ahead Of Potential Shutdown