In a true knockout of the GOP candidates, UFC fighter and champion Ronda Rousey has officially endorsed Senator Bernie Sanders for president.

The undefeated Mixed Martial Arts fighter has already turned down an endorsement of Trump and has declared that if Sanders doesn’t get the nomination she will be voting third party.

“I voted for Roseanne [in 2012]. Mostly I went in to vote for all the state and local things. I was so unimpressed with the whole presidential campaign that I picked whatever third party I saw, and I saw Roseanne and thought, ‘That’s awesome.’ But I’m really pulling for Sanders this time. I hope it works out.”

When asked why she supported Sanders after such a disinterest in previous candidates, Rousey said:

“I’m voting for Bernie Sanders because he doesn’t take any corporate money. I don’t think politicians should be allowed to take money for their campaigns from outside interests.”

While Rousey may play coy about her political affiliation, her rejection of Trump ,who also refuses PAC money, indicates that she is at least partially liberal-leaning. Her endorsement is another affirmation that the American public is tired of shady political practices dominating elections. it is also a reminder that if we do not nominate legitimate candidates like Senator Sanders -and quickly- the Democratic party risks losing more people to independent groups.

Read more about this story on USA Today “Ronda Rousey just endorsed Bernie Sanders for president.”