We’ve known for a long time that Fox News is little more than an endless cesspool of despicable and out of touch opinions, but with the recent resurgence of racism and xenophobia associated with the Paris Attacks, Salon and Media Matters were nice enough to create a convenient list of all the unforgivable bile that Fox News pundits have been spewing in the last week.

“What’s going to happen when those Syrian refugees open fire in a Chick-fil-A”? Fox News’ Todd Starnes, November 17.

Fox’s Jesse Watters: Obama is inviting in “the barbarians at the gate.”

Fox’s Andrea Tantaros: “Everything that the president is doing seems to benefit what ISIS is doing.”

Ben Stein: Obama’s “hatred of America” may be “because he’s part black.” “He does not wish America well.”

Laura Ingraham: Obama’s willing to expose the U.S. military to “the Ebola virus to carry out this redistribution of the privileged’s wealth.”

Michael Savage: Obama “wants to infect the nation with Ebola” in order “to make things fair and equitable” in the world.

Fox’s Keith Ablow: Obama won’t protect America from Ebola because his “affinities, his affiliations are with” Africa and “not us … He’s their leader.” Ablow added, “We don’t have a president who has the American people as his primary interest.”

It’s really just the tip of the iceberg, but it’s good to know that someone is keeping track.

Read the full article at Salon.