When Senator Bernie Sanders released his incredibly detailed and intelligent climate change plan on his campaign website on Monday, a few choice endorsements were included underneath the plan of action, one among them from actor Mark Ruffalo.

“Bernie Sanders has just released his campaign plan to create millions of jobs, save tens of thousands of American lives each year, protect working families, deliver justice to communities at the front-lines of poverty and pollution, and deflate violent conflicts driven by wars over oil and gas. In his Climate Change Platform, no one gets left behind and issues of health, work, and security for all people are put first, before corporate interests. He goes further than any other candidate in defining the terms and benefits of transitioning our economy and society away from dangerous and dirty fossil fuels and the problems they cause. Bernie continues to be the transformative candidate and the one most willing to bring everyone along. He is a man of the people and is exactly today who he has always been: the real deal.”

Here, here, Mr Ruffalo!

You can read Bernie’s full climate change plan in its very easy-to-digest format on his campaign website.