Donald Trump has finally made the definitive move which proves once and for all that his candidacy is rife with racism, islamophobia, jingoism, and xenophobia, when he announced Monday afternoon that he feels we should have a “total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country’s representatives can figure out what is going on.”

rs trump muslim

The statement, released on Trump’s website, shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone after Trump has previously argued that we should keep all American Muslims in a religious database and spy on their activities among a long list of other completely unforgivable statements and actions from the presidential candidate.

Apparently Trump’s rabid supporters weren’t happy with his current level of prejudice, causing him to step it up with his new no-Muslim policy.

Next, Trump will be suggesting that we remove all Muslim Americans from the country in the same way he wants to remove all illegal immigrants. Of course, this will surely be followed shortly by a condemnation of Asians Americans, indigenous persons, and even African Americans will be next on his radar. No non-white individual is safe, and it is disgusting that there is not much that can be done to silence this waste of human space.

This is violence-inducing hate speech, as simple as that.

Read more at The Huffington Post.