On Wednesday, President Obama subtly jabbed Donald Trump’s idea to ban Muslims from entering the U.S. during a speech honoring the 13th Amendment and the abolition of slavery in America.

Said the president:

“All it requires is that our generation be willing to do what those who came before us have done: to rise above the cynicism and rise above the fear. To remember that our freedom is bound up with the freedom of others. Regardless of what they look like, or where they come from, or what their last name is or what faith they practice.”

Obama’s speech reminds us that freedom is not a guarantee, and that we must continue to fight to increase the freedom of our fellow man while also continuing to protect the liberties Americans currently enjoy. It is an reaffirmation that what the Republican candidate is proposing is dangerous and cannot be tolerated and that our current administration resoundingly opposes what Trump is asking for.
