Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, who is beloved for his anti gay and anti-abortion point of view, has also come out against affirmative action on Wednesday, saying that he believes the program puts black students in schools that are “too advanced” for them.

The case concerns the University of Texas who is being sued by a white female student who claims that affirmative action is the reason she was not accepted to the school. According to a Talking Points Memo story,

The case is unique in that the University of Texas accepts three-quarters of its students in a race-blind program (which actually was designed to increase diversity) that automatically accepts Texas high school students who are in the top 10 percent of their class. The other quarter of students are accepted through a qualitative “holistic” review that includes race along with a number of other personal and academic factors.

The challenger, Abigail Fisher, was not in the top 10 percent of her high school class and thus is challenging the holistic review program. This is the second time her case is in the Supreme Court.

Scalia’s opinion that black students are somehow less capable of succeeding in a rigorous schooling environment is completely baseless and offensive.

Scalia said that “most of the black scientists in this country do not come from the most advanced schools” and that they benefit from a “slower track.” Currently, he claims,”they’re being pushed into schools that are too advanced for them.”

Read more about this story at Crooks and Liars.