After it was announced that ex-CEO Carly Fiorina and Senator Rand Paul would be excluded from Thursday’s GOP debate, Rand Paul took to Twitter and the media, railing against what he called “bad math” which was used to determine who could participate in the debate.

“It’s a mistake because the thing is we actually have been in the top five or six in most of the recent polls. In fact, last week in a national poll we were just one point out of fourth place. So I think it’s a mistake to try to exclude me from the national debate.”

It would not be surprising if the GOP were truly trying to purposefully exclude Paul from the debate as the barely-Republican has ruffled quite a few feathers during previous debates, calling candidates out on their big spending on war and other clear hypocrisies in the party.

Paul has previously threatened to run independently if he were disincluded from debates and has now said that he will not be taking part in the “undercard” debate.

Watch Paul whine.