During a Wednesday evening rally in Pensacola, Florida, Presidential candidate Donald Trump became increasingly frustrated with the venue’s sound system and took it out on the “bastard” who set it up.

“Whoever the hell brought this mic system, don’t pay the son of a bitch. This mic is terrible. Stupid mic keeps popping. Do you hear that George? Don’t pay him! Don’t pay him. You know, I believe in paying, but when somebody does a bad job like this stupid mic, you shouldn’t pay the bastard.”

“Terrible, terrible, it’s true. And you gotta be tough with your people because they’ll pay. They don’t care. So we’re not going to pay. I guarantee I’m not going to pay for this mic.”

Local news website The Pulse talked with the guys responsible for the sound system at the venue who said, “The pre-show was fine, the other speakers were fine, and Mr. Trump was fine until about halfway through when he started swallowing the mic.”

Yes, it turns out that among the countless other things Trump is insufferable at, properly speaking into a microphone is yet another.

And did the sound men get paid for the event despite Trump’s posturing?

Yes. Yes they did.