Former Tea Party congresswoman Michele Bachmann said recently that congress cannot pass laws which contradict the laws of God.

Bachmann, who no doubt held her unconstitutional beliefs while she served in the House of Representatives, says that the symbolic representation of Moses facing forward on the wall in the House of Representatives while all the other lawmaker statues face sideways is a symbol of the inability of congress to rule against God’s law.

The reliefs, 23 in total, were chosen and voted on by two historical societies in the U.S., and were created and installed when the chamber was renovated in 1949-1950.

Just like the “In God We Trust” printed on our dollar bills, these portraits are not some God-endowed sign of a religiously-based government, but rather an overstep of religious views in what should be a secular building.

Most likely, no one is clamoring for the portrait of Moses to be chiseled away, but neither should Bachmann be using it to falsely imply that the U.S. government should be beholden to the laws of a religious group.
