Throughout the 2016 race, Rick Santorum was among the handful of candidates whose bid for the presidency had many scratching their head and wondering, “why bother?”

Apparently Santorum has joined this list of head-scratchers as CNN announced on Wednesday afternoon that he would be suspending his campaign. Santorum, the 2012 winner of the Iowa caucus, was clearly disappointed that he did not manage to run away with Iowan votes on Monday. Santorum only managed to gain about 1 percent of Iowa GOP votes, putting him in 11th place.

Though Rubio’s crew were able to convince the American media that third place was a win, Santorum was not as lucky with 11th. Santorum said that he was staying in the race on Monday, but shortly after Rand Paul threw in the towel, so did floundering Santorum.

Just like the other failed Republican candidates this season, don’t miss Santorum too much- he will surely be back next election cycle!