During the Iowa Caucus results, something surprising began to happen over at news-ish network Fox News: Despite coming in third place, pundits all over the network were celebrating the accomplishments of Marco Rubio.

It is not too hard to see why.

It is generally believed that no one likes Ted Cruz, except, apparently, the people of Iowa. Cruz is a grassroots member of the Tea Party and not someone establishment Republican media and politicians want to see in the White House.

And of course, there is the ever-raging feud between Fox News and Donald Trump after the candidate chose to skip a Fox-sponsored debate because he claimed he was being treated unfairly.

So who does that leave for pundits to fawn over? Marco Rubio, of course!

Clearly Roger Ailes and the whole Fox crew have decided to throw their political eggs in Rubio’s basket. Not sure you believe us? Watch this coverage of the Iowa Caucus and see how overly-excited the pundits are for Rubio’s losing placement.