Those who have been following the Democratic primary race this season know that Senator Sanders has been creeping up in almost every poll in almost every place for the past month or so. Hillary Clinton, who was once the far and away leader in the race has now been struggling to maintain or reclaim her lead in many places.

One place that Clinton seems doomed to lose is in New Hampshire as the latest poll has Clinton 20 points behind Sanders in the state. Many are attributing this lead to the proximity of New Hampshire to Sanders’ home state, but the polling results in the state have not been in Sanders pocket for the entire race, so clearly a change is occurring.

Surprisingly, the demographic Hillary usually gains favor in, women, was lost to her in this poll. Out of women polled, Bernie maintains a four point lead, while among young women, Sanders leads by a whopping 29 percent. Unsurprisingly, the youth vote has been handed to Sanders as well, with a stunning 52 point lead.

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These poll numbers are encouraging, but this is just the very beginning of the fight for Sanders’ campaign. The most challenging is yet to come.