Update 12 pm ET: Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson has issued a formal apology to the family of Tamir Rice, saying that the bill served to the family was an error and should have been flagged. The mayor said that the issuing of such a bill is routine, but it should have been caught and not sent to the family. Jackson says that he will evaluate whether discipline is warranted.


It appears that we are experiencing a bizarre switch in the criminal justice system where, instead of going after corrupt police departments for brutal and unnecessary killings, the police are going after the families of victims.

First, it was the officer in Chicago who is suing the family of a slain teen for emotional damages. Now, the city of Cleveland, whose police force murdered 12 year old Tamir Rice in cold blood, has sent a bill to the family demanding payment for the ambulance ride which took the deceased child to the hospital and later the morgue.

The city has filed the claim in the amount of $500, saying that the bill is “past due.” The attorney for the Rice family called the claim “a new pinnacle of callousness and insensitivity.”


Cleveland Wants To Charge Tamir Rice’s Family For His AmbulanceTamir Rice’s family is being charged $500 for his ambulance and life support

Posted by NowThis on Thursday, February 11, 2016