It was excessively childish and dramatic, but it got the point across: On Tuesday afternoon, Kansas Senator Pat Roberts tweeted a video of himself throwing President Obama’s recently announced plan to close Guantanamo Bay straight into the trash can. Along with the video was the caption: “, this is what I think of the “plan” to close and send terrorists to the United States.”

Roberts is specifically referring to comments from the president during his speech on Tuesday where he said that he felt that the United States justice system is more than capable of handing terrorists on domestic soil, as they have done with Boston Bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev.

Looking through Roberts’ Twitter feed, it is clear that the issue of closing Guantanamo Bay is an important one to the senator who uses the hashtag #GITMO almost daily. When the president made his announcement that he and the Department of Defense were putting forward this plan to finally close the facility, Roberts’ Twitter practically exploded.

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President Obama mentioned during his speech that this issue had once upon a time had bipartisan support – this is so very clearly no longer the case, made particularly clear via Senator Roberts’ extreme and childish reaction.