During a recent interview with former Mexican president Vicente Fox, presidential candidate Donald Trump was foremost in the conversation for his remarks about the wall he planned to build between the United States and its southern neighbor. “And who’s gonna pay for the wall?” Trump loves to ask at his rallies, and the crowd shouts back every time: “MEXICO!”

So when an interviewer asked Fox what he thought of Trump’s promise to make Mexico pay for a wall? No f*cking way.

“I’m not going to pay for that f*cking wall! He should pay for it. He’s got the money.”

When Trump got wind of this comment from Fox, he feigned offense and demanded that the former president apologize.

What did Fox have to say to that? Once again, no f*cking way!

“I’m not going to apologize.”

“He thinks that by building a wall, which is only a consequence of the fear he builds inside, he feels fear. Only those who feel fear build walls.”

“I am not going to pay for that F*CKING wall! I am not!”

For once, I think it is safe to say that Trump has not won this feud. Go, Fox!