Whether you know him as curmudgeonly Frank Reynolds from hit show “It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia,” or as the evil Penguin in Tim Burton’s “Batman Returns,” there is a lot to like about Danny DeVito. And here’s one more – he’s feeling the Bern!

Danny DeVito made a surprise appearance on Sunday in St. Louis, Missouri to introduce Bernie Sanders at a rally.

DeVito took to the stage, dancing and feeding off of the energy of the excited crowd. Too short for the podium, DeVito disappered backstage before emerging again with a wooden step stool.

“I love you guys. I love you because you’re here for Bernie. And I’m here because you’re here, because I feel the Bern! A man who speaks the truth. A man who’s got the knowledge. A man who’s been there for us since the beginning of his career. I am very very excited tonight to introduce to you the next president of the United States. We need you, Obi Wan! Bernie Sanders!”

The two embraced before DeVito waved himself off of the stage. Lovely.