During Thursday’s hearing with Governor Rick Snyder and administrator of the EPA Gina McCarthy, representatives of the federal government asked tough questions and handed down strong condemnations for those responsible for allowing the residents of Flint, Michigan to experience lead poisoning which will alter them for a lifetime.

While many representatives offered stirring speeches, none cut to the heart of the issue more than Maryland’s Democratic Rep. Elijah Cummings. Cummings addressed Governor Snyder directly several times, reminding the governor of the families and children that his negligence have destroyed.

“There will now be an entire generation of children who suffer from brain damage, learning disorders, and many other horrible effects of lead poisoning that were afflicted on them by Gov. Snyder’s administration.”

“It seems like there are two basic possibilities. Either your chief of staff told you about these concerns and you did nothing, or he didn’t tell you and you are an absentee governor.”

In his concluding remarks, Rep. Cummings once again reminded the Governor about the human impact his decisions have had before concluding that the Governor must absolutely resign his position.

“Mr. Governor, I gotta tell you: you need to resign.”

Here, here.