It’s a beautiful thing to finally hear an interview between Donald Trump and a conservative radio host that is relentlessly shirking every value Trump espouses. That’s exactly what Wisconsin received on Monday morning when the Republican front-runner called in to a uniquely conservative show in a uniquely conservative state.

Conservative talk radio host Charlie Sykes is unabashedly a part of the #NeverTrump movement, but apparently Trump was unaware of that fact when he called in to Radio 620 WTMJ on Monday.

Wisconsin, as Sykes repeated multiple times, is not the sort of state to tolerate the sort of mud-slinging that Donald Trump had recently been taking part in, particularly concerning the back-and-forth attacks on Ted Cruz’s wife Heidi.

Trump, as he always does, denied any blame for the part he played in the smear, saying that Cruz “started it” and that his retweet wasn’t his fault because it was just a retweet! Yeah, right.

Sykes, more than any other conservative journalist so far, pushed Trump on these issues, making Trump so uncomfortable that he asked to move on to more political issues.

Near the end of the interview, Sykes and Trump returned to the wives issue when Trump defended the image of Melania as an “artsy” photo (true, but then why would he be so insulted that it was shared?), and Sykes told Trump that the only way he would gain the favor of conservatives in Wisconsin is through an apology and a pledge to keep the election on higher ground.

“Do you? Do you ever apologize? You know, because most do, most real men when they screw up go, ‘you know what? I had a hot head, I shouldn’t have done that.'”

Trump then went full kindergartner and said that he would only consider apologizing if Cruz did so first.

“He started it.”

“We’re not on a playground, we’re running for president of the United States.”

Hoo boy, get ’em!

Listen. It’s absolutely worth it.