While President Barack Obama won’t tell us who he will be supporting in the general election, one candidate he has fully endorsed is Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

Wasserman Schultz is currently running for her life in Florida against the first Democratic congressional opponent she has faced during her time in the House. Opponent Tim Canova is running on the idea that Wasserman Schultz is far too corrupt and indebted to Wall Street to effectively represent the people of her district. Canova has endorsed Senator Bernie Sanders and has been backed by some of the same groups that Sanders is.

President Obama does not often endorse candidates in House primaries, so his support for Wasserman Schultz is telling.

“Debbie has been a strong, progressive leader in Congress and a hardworking, committed Chair of our national Party since I proudly nominated her to the role in 2011. She always stands up and fights for what is right for her district while passionately supporting middle class families.”

Many Americans believe that the current DNC head is corrupt and has worked to change the rules in order to favor candidate Hillary Clinton. DWS has been a major factor in the party’s choice to allow SuperPAC money back into the party as well as attempting to stifle the number of debates earlier in the race.

DWS has also recently sided with payday loan companies in an effort to dismantle progressive Elizabeth Warren’s oversight committee which would seek to regulate predatory loan sharks.

By nearly all accounts, Debbie Wasserman Schultz has shown herself to be dishonest, bought and paid for, and just the sort of establishment crony that president Obama has become. His endorsement may be the strongest indication yet that Wasserman Schultz absolutely must go and that any progressive Americans must throw their support behind Tim Canova.

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