While the Clinton campaign complains that Bernie Sanders has begun fighting too dirty, Clinton ally David Brock has filed three complaints against the Senator’s campaign, alleging that Sanders has broken multiple FEC rues concerning funding and campaign spending.

On Monday, a Clinton staffer said that Bernie Sanders’ campaign had taken on a negative tone that he said he would never take part in. As a result, the Clinton campaign would not agree to meet him for a debate in New York. The possibility of the debate being held was tentatively extended, but staffers ominously said that they would only be considering it if Bernie changed his tone.

Brock’s group, the American Democracy Legal Fund, alleges that Sanders’ campaign accepted more than the amount legal under federal law from individual donors. The group also accuses the campaign of not disclosing a Facebook ad as well as claiming that an unaffiliated pro-Sanders SuperPAC has been using Sanders’ name illegally.

It is an interestingly timed complaint that Brock is making, and if true, would do major damage to Sanders’ reputation as honest and by the people.

Sanders campaign manager Jeff Weaver denied the claims:

“Just one day after the Clinton campaign said we needed to change our tone, the leaders of their coordinated super PAC, which is funded by millions from Wall Street, filed baseless and frivolous complaints with the FEC. Tells you all you need to know.”

Whether the FEC takes action on Brock’s complaints or not is yet to be seen.