On Thursday afternoon when presidential candidate Hillary Clinton said that she was sick of the Sanders campaign lying about her, the response from Senator Sanders was swift: We aren’t lying, Clinton has taken money from oil and gas, and we can all talk about it during a New York debate that Clinton refuses to have.

Earlier in the afternoon on Thursday, Clinton was shaking hands in a crowd of supporters when she was questioned by activists who asked her if she was planning to stop taking funds from the oil and gas industries. Clinton responded by saying that she was tired of the Sanders campaign lying about her – apparently denying that she has received donations from these industries.

Campaign spokesman Michael Briggs issued the following statement in response to Clinton’s claims:

“The truth is that Secretary Clinton has relied heavily on funds from lobbyists working for the oil, gas and coal industry. According to an analysis by Greenpeace, Hillary Clinton’s campaign and her super PAC have received more than $4.5 million from the fossil fuel industry. In fact, 57 oil, gas and coal industry lobbyists have directly contributed to Clinton’s campaign, with 43 of them contributing the maximum allowed for the primary. Eleven of those 53 lobbyists are working as bundlers and have raised over $1.1 million in bundled contributions between them.

“It’s no wonder that back in December Clinton refused to agree to stop accepting money from the fossil fuel industry when pressed at a town hall, saying, ‘I’m not going to do a litmus test on them.’

“If Secretary Clinton wants to discuss this and other important issues she should stop stalling and agree to a debate in New York before the April 19 primary election.”

Additionally, Sanders campaign manager Jeff Weaver told MSNBC’s Chuck Todd that the Clinton camp owes Sanders an apology for calling him a liar.

What was all that about tone, secretary Clinton?