Keith Olbermann, liberal political commentator, recently revealed that he was coming out of retirement because the outrage of a Donald Trump presidency was just too much to bear.

Olbermann, who has lived in a Trump-owned building for several years, publicly announced that he could no longer walk past the glowing Trump sign every day because he had finally “run out of spit,” and as a result, would be moving out ASAP.

But what, exactly, was the moment that made Olbermann say enough was enough?

It turns out that Trump’s bizarre comment about shooting a man on Fifth Avenue and not losing one supporter was just the level of crazy Olbermann needed to be jolted from complacency and get himself back in the game.

“The day that I actually said, ‘I gotta get back into this, and I’ve gotta get out of this house,’ was when Donald Trump said, boastfully, that if he went out onto Fifth Avenue and shot people, it wouldn’t impact his campaign negatively.”
