Debbie Wasserman Schultz has become a rather unpopular figure in the Democratic party, engaging in shady campaign tactics and working hard to protect the interests of payday lenders. Despite a growing disdain, Wasserman Schultz’s ambition marches ever onward, despite the Democratic structure burning down around her.

Wasserman Schultz has enjoyed an unopposed position as congresswoman for Florida’s 23rd district. But she is no longer unopposed as a Democratic primary opponent Tim Canova has begun to campaign – and campaign aggressively – against the establishment candidate. Canova has managed to raise a million dollars in campaign donations since the beginning of 2016, a large feat for a relatively unknown congressional primary candidate. Much of this support comes from Bernie Sanders supporters who have been mobilized to support progressive candidates all the way down the ballot.

Canova and his campaign have repeatedly requested a primary Democratic debate between himself and Wasserman Schultz, which she has largely ignored. Canova says he has sent three letters to Wasserman Schultz requesting a debate which went unanswered, as well as starting a petition on his campaign website calling for the meeting. In a recent event, Canova confronted Wasserman Schultz in person when a staffer of the congresswoman roughly pushed away a camera documenting the event. Canova still got no answer.

When Wasserman Schultz was asked what she thought of Canova’s campaign strategies and behaviors, the congresswoman feigned disinterest, saying that she doesn’t pay any attention to the goings-ons of her opponent. She is clearly trying to pretend that Canova is no real threat, but his growing support and campaign contributions prove otherwise.

Wasserman Schultz is yet another politician who feels that they are owed a certain amount of power from the American people, and it is time that America tells people like her that they have to earn the power, not just expect it.