If you ever hear anyone say that presidential candidate John Kasich is a reasonable compromise in an election season full of extremes, you are now morally obligated to inform them of this gigantic gaffe by Kasich during a Q and A on Friday.

Kasich was asked by a female New York college student what Kasich would do as president to make her and others like her feel safer on campuses in regards to rape and sexual assault.

At first, the candidate was on decent ground when he said that he wants all institutions of higher education to have safe, confidential, and effective rape counseling. He advocated for easily-accessible rape kits and testing. But then he gave a bit of personal advice that negated every ounce of the previous advice:

“I would also give you one bit of advice: Don’t go to parties where there’s lots of alcohol.”

Ah, of course; It’s the old Republican way: If you’re a victim of gun violence, you should have had your own gun, and if you are raped, you shouldn’t have been there/been drunk/worn that outfit.
