During Monday night’s Democratic Town Hall event, Bernie Sanders railed against the effect of corporate media in shaping political discourse. Sanders asked host Chris Hayes, who usually hosts MSNBC show “All In,” who it is that owns the formerly liberal media outlet.

“The corporate media very much determines the kind of conversation we have. Your particular station is owned by whom?”

Hayes chuckled a bit when he replied, “Uh, Comcast. NBC Universal.”

“There we go,” Sanders replied calmly, point made. But he didn’t stop there, jabbing a bit at the particular evil that is Comcast.

“One of the more popular corporations in America.”

Of course out of all of the corporations that a media outlet could be owned by, Comcast is one of the more nefarious. Millions of Americans feel frustrated and angry toward Comcast due to their monopolization in many areas as well as their abhorrent customer service.

MSNBC, under the control of Comcast, has shifted from a once valuable network providing important insight from progressive shows and hosts into something that often rivals Fox News in its corporate worship and liberal criticisms.

The point Sanders is making is something we are all familiar with coming from the Senator by now: Corporations rule everything and it shouldn’t be okay with any of us.
