On Wednesday, former Republican speaker of the house John Boehner attacked Ted Cruz mercilessly, telling an audience at Stanford University that the presidential candidate is a “miserable son of a bitch.”

This comment from Boehner is just one more to the long list of politicians who can’t stand the senator from Texas. Months ago, it surfaced that even his college roommate couldn’t stand the guy.

Boeher told the audience that though he and Trump were “texting buddies,”  he even got along with Kasich, but Cruz was a different story entirely.

“I have Democrat friends and Republican friends. I get along with almost everyone, but I have never worked with a more miserable son of a bitch in my life.”

Boehner also called Cruz “Lucifer in the flesh.”

It seems that besides mowing his lawn for the first time ever, Boehner is enjoying the newly gained freedom of no longer representing all Republicans in the House, and he’s letting his angry flag fly.