We’ve heard a great deal from conservatives in recent weeks about how they cannot stomach supporting Donald Trump due to his hateful rhetoric and language because they fear telling their children whose side of the election they were on.

Now, representative Peter King is painting the idea of legacy and children when it comes to Trump in an entirely different light, saying that despite Trump’s terrible policy ideas and political opinions, he will keep Americans safe.

This was after a scathing report came out about the women in Donald Trump’s life and the mile-long list of women who say they were objectified, made uncomfortable, and mistreated by Trump throughout his life. The report details women who say they experienced unwanted affection from Trump as well as women who say that his criticisms of their physical appearance was devastating.

King, who likes to refer to Japanese people as “Japs” said that women may be concerned about Trump’s treatment of women, but they are more concerned about keeping their kids safe. According to King, Trump is the one guy who can do that, so why bother worrying about the other 98 percent of his character?
