The drama between right-wing nutso Bill O’Reilly and his ex-wife Maureen McPhilmy has just gotten more entrenched as O’Reilly is demanding his wife pay him 10 million in damages over what he claims was a fraudulent divorce settlement.

Bill O’Reilly has declared that he plans to sue his ex-wife who he has been accused of abuse because news has come out that she was dating another man before the divorce was finalized.

O’Reilly claims that his wife’s relationship with another man after the couple’s separation was fraudulent and violates the terms of their separation agreement.

The host of “The O’Reilly Factor” is no doubt still reeling from the loss of custody of his two children, a decision made by the courts after one of his children said that she witnessed O’Reilly dragging his ex-wife down a set of stairs by her neck.

O’Reilly is bound to lose this case as there cannot be anything wrong with his ex-wife engaging in a relationship once their own marriage was symbolically, if not legally, ended. O’Reilly is just grasping for straws to try to regain control in a wold which continually tells him to disappear.