On Tuesday, Senator Bernie Sanders fielded questions about his role in the Democratic party and whether or not he should remain in the race.

The Senator called up remarks made by opponent Hillary Clinton late last week when the former Secretary of State said that she would be the nominee and that her journey to the general election is guaranteed.

“We don’t live, thank God, in an authoritarian country. People dissent.”

“If we take your assumption and Clinton’s supporters’ assumption of the logical conclusion, you know what we should do? We should go back to a monarchy and not have any elections at all.”

As the senator says, he has every right to the stay in the race. Calling for Sanders to leave the race simply because he lags behind is telling the millions of people who have voted for him that their voice doesn’t matter.

Clinton was destined to have this all wrapped up from the beginning, according to the establishment, so why not remove the charade and acknowledge that we are in a twisted monarchy rather than a free and open Democracy?