During the same interview in which failed presidential candidate Marco Rubio admitted to apologizing to Donald Trump privately about his “small hands” comment, Rubio also came to the defense of Trump concerning some of his early inflammatory remarks about Mexicans.

Rubio said that he didn’t agree with Trump when he declared that many Mexicans who cross the boarder are rapists and murderers, but the senator said that he didn’t believe Trump was a white nationalist and he chose not to believe that what Trump said on the campaign trail could be his real thoughts.

“Little” Marco didn’t stop there, though, as he described the mastery with which Trump manipulated the media.

“Here’s the trap you’re in. If you respond to it, [Trump] is getting what he wants. That’s why he’s sometime saying this, to dominate the [news] cycle. I don’t give him credit for what he said, but I give him credit for the way that he understands this stuff.

Media is a business and it’s driven by ratings, and based on your ratings is what you can charge your advertisers. And so, this content is interesting content. It’s different. And it’s over the top. And it draws eyeballs and ears to hear what people are saying and see it. Donald understood that.”

Considering how quickly Rubio emerged from the shadows this week, might he be wringing his hands over a possible vice presidential nod in the near future? Every other GOP has given in, so why not Little Marco too?