To those who experienced the delight of the Sunday evening Tony Awards, the celebration of diversity and life was an indescribable comfort after the horrors of the day.

Showing an array of diversity that put the #OscarSoWhite awards to shame, the Tony Awards unabashedly celebrated people of every color and creed.

It was the sort of display that puts politics like those of Donald Trump to shame with the shocking reminder that we are better together. The opening number was especially poignant in this moment, focusing on the fact that no matter who you are, theater and the stage has a place for you.

“To the theatre kids of any place with stardust in their eyes. Of every color, class and race, and face, and shape and size. To the boys and girls, transgenders too, to every Broadway would-be. Don’t wonder if this could be you. It absolutely could be!”

Little boys and girls across the country can now find someone like themselves in theater and that inspiring image is enough to give us all a bit of hope in such a dark time.
