Hillary Clinton has begun making some changes to the Democratic party which has many scratching their heads wondering if she is planning an ouster of DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz or if she is moving things around in order to appease progressives and save the Chair’s position in the party.

The relationship between the two politicians has been a cozy one, with clear indications that Wasserman Schultz tailored the party to embrace Clinton early on and never tried to make the primary a fair fight.

Understandably, many of the progressive left have expressed frustration with the DNC chair, calling for her to step down months ago. Senator Bernie Sanders recently echoed these sentiments this week when he said that a change in the DNC leadership was one of the many necessary steps for the party to win progressive support.

Now, Clinton has reportedly begun constructing a new chain of command at the DNC, effectively neutering Wasserman Schultz’s power through the convention and the general election.

According to CNN:

“Hillary Clinton’s campaign is taking the reins of the Democratic National Committee, installing a new top official on Thursday to oversee the party’s day-to-day operations through the general election.

Brandon Davis, national political director for the Service Employees International Union, will become the general election chief of staff for the Democratic Party.”

We might have cause to celebrate this re-organization of the party if it weren’t for the fact that Clinton has not yet publicly called for Wasserman Schultz to step down from her position. Instead, it appears that the Clinton campaign is offering this temporary solution as a token gesture while protecting the chair’s position.

No doubt once the election is over, the Clinton camp believes that all of the anti-Wasserman Schultz hubbub will die down and she can go back, once again, to reigning over the party with partiality and scorn.

What do you think about this change? Will this gesture be enough to satisfy you?