Seriously, we should just decide to hold the election tomorrow and put Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump head-to-head tonight in an old-school episode of “Yo Momma,” to help the rest of the country decide because that’s what this election has turned into.

Spurred by the Donald’s complete lack of filter, his bad behavior has dragged other politicians down with him, forcing the likes of Warren and Clinton to muck around with him, lobbing insults like a group of uneducated kids with anger problems.

Though it may not be a good sign for the future of political discourse, at least we are getting to see these sick burns in real time.

On Tuesday afternoon, Clinton lodged a comment at Trump that should have the rest of us saying, “ohhh” for at least the next week. Clinton commented on Trump’s massive business failures and his questionable brand.

“Trump has written a lot of books about business – but they all seem to end at Chapter 11.”

Ohhhhhh man. She got you good, Trump, bro! What’cha gonna do now?