One of the rare bright spots in the Trump campaign is that it allows us to quickly and efficiently categorize people into groupings of sane or batsh*t crazy racist.

In this video posted on Twitter Tuesday, a clearly unhinged Trump devotee went on a mouth-foaming rabid racist rant, demanding that the offscreen individuals engage in some stereotypical behavior.

“Made it USA, bitch. Made it fucking USA. Go fucking cook my burrito, bitch… Go fucking make my tortilla motherfucker, and build that wall for ME! TRUMP! I love Trump! Fuck you! I love my country! I’ll fuck at least ten of you up… you’re lucky all these cops are here…”

During the video, the man repeatedly flexed his muscles and showed off his badly tatted body.

It’s stupidity like this man which make us glad for the fact that most people have recording devices living in their pockets 24/7.
